Starlink in the Falkland Islands: Part 7

These are all the final media publications relating to the use of Starlink in the Falkland Islands before the public meeting on July  11th 2024.

5th July 2024: Gavin Short’s interview with Penguin News:

6th July 2024: Andrea Clausen interview on FITV. Hannah Newton reading the news.

6th July 2024: Falkland Islands Public Accounts Committee investigation into the Falkland Islands Government’s £3m subsidy to double the Intelsat satellite’s broadband capacity in 2019. FITV Hannah Newton reading the news.

6th July 2024: Roma Stewart, Sure Falkland Islands’s CEO talked about Starlink at this week’s Farmers Week meeting in Stanley. Courtesy of Falkland Islands Radio Service.

10th July 2024:
The Falkland Islands Development Corporation apply for a ‘free’ Starlink licence:

Chris Gare, OpenFalklands July 2024, copyright OpenFalklands

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