A Stanley visit and dragster thrill

This is the first for OpenFalklands, as all previous posts have focused on topics related to telecommunications on the Falkland Islands. However, exciting times call for something different, so I thought I would like to lighten things up.

Trip to Stanley

But first, I’d like to let you know that I will visit the Falkland Islands later this month. I hope to arrive on September 23rd and leave on October 11th.

I say, I hope, because you will all be aware of the challenges of the Airbridge flight from Brize Norton due to several flight cancellations in August. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

I am staying at the Malvina Hotel and will probably be in the bar most evenings! If anyone wants to talk to me about telecommunications, please let me know or join me at the bar. I warn you, though, I can rather rabbit on about our favourite subject, Falkland Islands telecommunications.

Drag racing at Santa Pod near Bedford

So what does someone do on their day off from rabbiting on about technology?

On Saturday, September 7th, 2024, I drove up to Bedford and attended the European Finals at the Santa Pod Raceway. For those unaware, this is the UK centre for 1/4-mile drag racing. But not to just watch. Oh no, not me; I had paid for my son Steven and myself to go in a two-seater dragster up the strip in a dragster!

After signing the most extended indemnity document I’ve ever seen I was kitted out and strapped in until I could hardly breath. This was followed by long instructions on what to do in case of a crash, fire, or if we landed upside-down etc. etc. However, there has never been an accident, so I did feel quite safe – I think!

Enjoy the videos.

Here is me strapped in and ready to go.

Here is my run streamed live on YouTube. We did the 1/4 mile in 7.9 seconds with a terminal speed of 169mph.

Here is my run videoed by my son.

It was a fantastic day and we had a ringside seat. Below are examples of what we saw – or it might be better to say, what we felt!

A pair of jet ‘funny cars’ fight it out. A European record was set at 303mph.

Two ‘top-fuel’ dragsters race. These have engines with 10,000 horsepower. The fastest speed of the day was 319mph at the 1/4 mile.

The tee shirt

No explanation of this is needed.

I recommend visiting Santa Pod and even going for a two-seater run yourself. If you want to know what it really felt like, ask me in the bar in Stanley with a pint in my hand!

I look forward to seeing you in Stanley later this month (I hope).

Chris Gare, OpenFalklands September 2024, copyright OpenFalklands





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